Policy for the diversity, equity and inclusion


Valuing diversity and inclusion is a priority commitment of BIP Spa and BIP Services-henceforth “BIP”- to sustain a work environment that is stimulating, inclusive, respectful of all forms of diversity and participatory, inspired by principles of fairness, freedom, dignity in professional relationships and free of behavior-collective and individual-discriminatory.

This Policy, in line with the values of the Code of Ethics, formalizes BIP’s principles on diversity, equity, and inclusion that embrace and apply the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the core Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the legislative provisions on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The Policy aims to foster the realization of a work environment in which all diversity can be welcomed and valued, promoting people’s well-being, and valuing their contributions, whatever their personal characteristics, and preventing and counteracting anything that might hinder this realization.

The Policy reinforces BIP’s commitment to recognizing and valuing each person who is a part of it and to spreading a culture consistent with that commitment.

BIP complies with all applicable international and national laws and standards for respecting diversity and promoting inclusion. The Policy applies to all those who work in and for BIP, regardless of contractual status, including trainees, apprentices, clients, and suppliers.


BIP believes that diversity constitutes a value and makes it one of its commitments to value all diversity and to create an open and inclusive work environment that fosters the well-being of everyone. The importance of a culture of diversity that, with an inclusive rationale, values all differences (of gender and gender identity, age, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality, idiom, social background, religious faith, personal beliefs, marital status, experience, education, cognitive and motor skills, health conditions, and any other category protected by law) as activators of added value and innovation, is based on the recognition of the dignity and unique value of each person.

The goal is to build a community in which everyone feels integrated and can make his or her own contribution, in the knowledge that each person is unique and respect for diversity is the fundamental prerequisite for the coexistence of all BIP has always placed people at the center of its attention, as evidenced by its Mission, Corporate Values and Code of Ethics. Diversity, equity, and inclusion policies aim to prevent discrimination at the selection stage, enhance specific skills and “talents,” promote managerialism and training, which is the basis of any people growth strategy, through specific programs also aimed at raising the level of awareness on issues related to diversity and creating an inclusive work environment. BIP’s commitment to valuing people and making them feel included and incentivized to give the best of themselves translates into a people development and management strategy capable of ensuring everyone access to fair opportunities for professional growth, regardless of their role in the organization.

The Policy also confirms BIP’s commitment, already defined in the Code of Ethics, upholding respect for human dignity and preventing any discrimination, direct or indirect, based on reasons related to any kind of diversity, recognizing the absolute value of the principles:

  • of the Constitution of the Italian Republic;
  • of the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights;
  • of the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and its applicable conventions;
  • European Convention on Human Rights.


BIP’s commitment to the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion focuses at this historical moment on four main guidelines, in the awareness that environmental, sociocultural and market evolution can always lead to forms of exclusion, which must be as far as possible preventively identified, prevented and countered. BIP’s commitment is also to use respectful, inclusive, and neutral language with the intention of avoiding any form of discrimination. The updating of the Policy and related programs will therefore be a concrete indicator of BIP’s focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, issues on which the commitment must constantly renew itself.

3.1 Gender Diversity

Given the prevalence in the workforce of male staff over female staff, resulting historically from sociocultural structural reasons (such as, for example, qualified technical roles came from school and university paths “reserved” for the male population), BIP is committed to continuing to pay attention to rebalancing this situation, first and foremost through:

  • a fair selection process based on skills and suitability for the role;
  • training and information paths geared toward providing development opportunities in every professional field for women, including through the testimony of role models and the dissemination of business and/or non-business cases;
  • the implementation of extra-corporate projects aimed at guiding young female professionals to follow their aspirations, with a focus on raising awareness of technical-scientific disciplines, so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and generally in areas where women are underrepresented or absent.

On the cultural level, BIP is also engaged in awareness-raising initiatives at all levels with actions aimed to overcome stereotypes and unconscious biases and to promote welfare policies and actions aimed at fostering work-life balance, maternity protection, sharing of family and care responsibilities (caregiver), and removal of potential obstacles to wage equality.

To ensure gender equality, BIP has launched specific projects through talent development, enhancement programs and compensation policies based on equity and performance. In particular, to develop female managerial skills and leadership, BIP promotes specific training and coaching paths aimed at strengthening the required skills and increasingly ensuring a gender balance in positions of responsibility within complex structures. BIP is committed, as much as possible, to ensuring a balanced gender representation among speakers in round tables and events.

Finally, BIP is committed to contrast gender-based violence in all its forms through awareness-raising actions, which is why it also has a specific workplace harassment and violence Policy, with specific channels through which reports of misconduct can be directed (ensuring confidentiality).

3.2 Generational Diversity

BIP considers the coexistence of different generations within the organization a value to anyone, as it provides an opportunity to be open to change, address challenges related to societal and market evolution, and drive innovation. Indeed, different generations bring with them knowledge, experiences and perceptions of work, roles and relationships that are unique to each “age.”

To facilitate cooperation and successfully integration of different generations in the workplace, it is essential to understand the strengths, limits, and values of each generation toward work, creating a corporate culture that actively demonstrates respect and inclusion, starting with the recognition of the different needs of each “age.” For BIP, training and mentoring are the key tools for promoting communication and mutual exchange of experiences between generations, stimulating productive confrontation and transfer of knowledge and skills, so that differences are recognized and accepted. In addition, development policies and welfare systems are designed and implemented considering existing differences and always seeking to build a single business community.

3.3 Skills Diversity

The understanding of “disability” as any situation of psycho-physical discomfort, which could identify risks of exclusion, has led BIP to implement concrete measures to foster a work environment that promotes accessibility and to adopt practices aimed to the socialization, integration and well-being of the person. BIP also supports the need to value each individual in his or her specificity and to seek to break down all kinds of cultural, sensory or physical barriers that limit inalienable rights, putting in place the changes necessary to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities.

Finally, BIP believes it is necessary to shift the focus from disabilities to abilities, enhancing the capabilities of everyone through training actions to enrich knowledge and skills. Finally, BIP is committed to promoting a cultural paradigm shift for a new narrative of disability.

The goal is to meet people needs in situations of discomfort, promote their integration and improve their work situation both through appropriate tools and aids and through programs and initiatives capable of increasingly including people with disabilities in the corporate work environment, reducing all discrimination, including involuntary discrimination.

Skills development programs are based on a high level of personalization and the constant search for solutions (including technological solutions) that promote real inclusion. This process begins with active listening to the people involved. Equally relevant is the implementation of training interventions for the entire corporate population to improve the willingness and capacity to accommodate people with disabilities or hardships.

3.4 Culture Diversity

Cultural diversity arising from ethnic origin, nationality, idiom, religious faith, marital status, social position, professional background, sexual orientation, and personal beliefs (including reference to membership and militancy in political parties, trade unions, and associations), represents an opportunity for personal enrichment and a source of great benefit to BIP.

In line with the principles of the Code of Ethics, BIP considers the enhancement of the cultural diversity present in the company one of its fundamental objectives and is committed to foster the integration of all existing cultures, through the promotion of their peculiarities, in an inclusive and open group culture.

It is therefore BIP’s commitment to combat all forms of discrimination and prejudice, to provide all people with opportunities for professional growth, and to achieve a work environment that welcomes each person, recognizing their value and respecting their differences.

At a time of great transitions (digital, ecological and energy related), training is the primary tool for countering occupational inequalities and marginalization, and specific recurring programs are prepared for this.

All opportunities for reflection and discussion through collective meetings and focus groups on specific emerging issues are also favored.


Strategies and policies to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion are integrated into BIP’s Social Responsibility by making commitments and setting goals and targets, and by transparent and ongoing monitoring and reporting on these activities.

In line with its commitment to raise the level of awareness of diversity issues and create an inclusive work environment, BIP has established a structure focused on implementing concrete actions and related monitoring on issues of diversity inclusion, work-life balance, and people’s well-being. This structure is also active in collecting and evaluating proposals and suggestions for initiatives on these issues.

The commitment of the entire organization is critical to build an inclusive corporate culture that values diversity, which is why BIP:

  • defines and implements inclusive corporate policies that involve all levels of the organization;
  • adopts personnel selection, recruitment and reception policies based on processes and practices that are neutral with respect to all diversity and focused on the recognition of personal characteristics and professional skills in accordance with business needs;
  • adopts measures to support work-life balance and improve corporate welfare;
  • makes personnel evaluation, career advancement and reward policies transparent and objective, with specific training to avoid evaluation biases and specific attention to the development paths of different company populations;
  • adopts a monitoring system that ensures, in an objective manner, annual verification and reporting of the results and progress actually achieved in diversity management;
  • communicates progress on valuing and managing diversity and adopts policies to raise internal and external awareness of the value of the inclusion measures taken.

BIP considers the role of management to be fundamental; it must set an example for employees and is responsible for:

  • ensure that acts of discrimination do not occur;
  • identify cultural, organizational or relational obstacles that prevent full employment inclusion and work to overcome them;
  • create a climate open to everyone’s expression;
  • raise their team’s awareness of the principles contained in this Policy.

Furthermore, it is fundamental the role of Human Resources in ensuring the long-term enhancement of diversity at all levels and in the implementation phases of the company’s policies on people entry, assessment, growth and development, with the aim of ensuring maximum equity and inclusion.

Finally, in the implementation of diversity, inclusion and enhancement policies, to promote an open and collaborative organizational culture in line with Corporate Social Responsibility principles, the role of Communication is crucial.

Promoting a culture of inclusion and valuing diversity for BIP goes beyond corporate boundaries and also involves building networks of confrontation and collaboration with a plurality of institutional, business, associational, and educational actors. This is also why the principles and values of this Policy must:

a) engage all BIP resources in all internal and external relationships with stakeholders;

b) be complied with by all suppliers, partners, and in general parties that have relations with BIP.


BIP monitors the implementation of this Policy and promotes the use of specific channels for reporting possible violations (or alleged violations) to protect those who report.

Reports of possible non-compliance with policy and procedures can be reported:

Depending on the type of report, the relevant corporate bodies and company managers are activated, with the structures involved, in order to promptly implement the necessary actions to overcome the situations that led to the report.

The monitoring of the implementation of this Policy is carried out both by reviewing the progress of the specific objectives in this area and by reviewing the aforementioned reports and verifying the corrective actions implemented.

An Employee who engages or attempts to engage in conduct prohibited by this Policy shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings by BIP if it is proven that such conduct is improper.


BIP’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy is communicated and disseminated within the organization through the corporate intranet and to all stakeholders, in the interests of transparency and collaboration, through specific communications and the website www.bip-group.com/it .

Updating is taken care of periodically and in case of relevant regulatory changes and/or major changes in the field.