Our Impact Report 2022

The power of the collective

Our Impact Report for 2022

As a B Corp, we aim to live up to high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Our Impact Report 2022 reflects this commitment and provides an in-depth look at how we are making a positive impact on our employees, customers, community, and the planet.


I continue to be inspired by how my colleagues strike a healthy work-life balance and prioritise the things that matter. It has been a privilege to join a thriving community of B Corp trailblazers and we are very much inviting you, our clients, suppliers, partners and contacts to join us on this tough yet vital journey.


2022 key highlights

Balancing people
& the
planet with profits

Our biggest asset

BIP people give back

We protect our Planet 

Where we aspire
to be…

Our vision

To be recognised for making a measurable impact, as we improve lives for a better and more sustainable world.

Our mission

That with a united purpose, we accelerate how we improve the lives of our people, clients, and wider communities, through alignment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and B Corp certification.

Our Key Themes

Working towards the Sustainable Development Goals, we aim to improve social mobility through reducing inequalities in our communities and promoting gender equality.

Our Sustainable Development Goal Alignment

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by United Nations Member States in 2015, outline a vision of how we can build a better world and provide a global framework endorsed by governments, businesses and civil society.

We are aligning our social responsibility efforts with these goals and are proud that our work contributes through their advancement.

We have chosen the goals where we can make the strongest improvements and make a measurable impact on the UN targets and indicators and mapped these against our programme.

Our aim is to have a positive impact on as many of the SDGs as possible. Click here for a full list of the goals.

We are focusing on 6 of the goals that we can directly impact and measure our contribution towards their success.

Below are the goals that we have chosen to report on, with their targets and indicators:

Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all


Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities 

Reduce inequality within and among countries

SDG 13

Climate Action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

SDG 16

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

BIP UK is a Certified B Corporation

We want to use our business as a force for good, and commit to balancing people and planet with profit.

We are members of the UN Global Compact.  As a participant we are committed to aligning strategies and operations with their ten principles and take actions to advance broader societal goals, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Carbon Reduction Plan

Our Carbon Reduction Plan details our organisational carbon footprint and confirms our commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and carbon neutrality by 2025.

Thank you

For reading and being a part of our BIP UK and BIP US stories

We are proud of the progress we are making to create a sustainable, inclusive, and equitable company.

We believe that by aligning our business with our B Corp values, we can create a positive impact for our employees, communities, and the planet.

Together, we can continue to drive meaningful change and make a lasting impact for future generations.