Quem somos nós
A Bip é a empresa de consultoria internacional do século XXI.
Nascemos livres em 2003.
Livres de um legado tecnológico que nos forçaria a impor produtos e habilidades complexas que ninguém mais precisa. Livres de um legado profissional que separa a estratégia da execução. Livres de um legado cultural que recompensa mais e é mais longo do que um que recompensa mais rápido e melhor. Livres para ousar.
Somos uma das consultorias que mais crescem no mundo, com mais de 4.500 pessoas no mundo inteiro
clients renew their trust in us for more than 6 years
yearly increase of our global team over the last 4 years
countries where we serve our clients
Somos mestres na arte de fazer sentido e fazer as coisas acontecerem.
- Desenvolver para Entregar
We’re doers, we are makers, we are not Power Point writers.. Everything we do is aimed at affecting a material change within a defined timeline, and we combine thoughts and actions to ensure it has the greatest impact in the real world.
- Processos Abertos
We are open. We work alongside our clients, their partners and everyone else needed to achieve the intended outcome.
Working with us is exciting, frenetic and occasionally demanding, but it is never lonely.
- Foco na Finalização
We aim to make our clients independent. All our projects have a dual objective: to deliver against an outcome, and to equip our clients to keep the activity running on their own. It offers them greater value, and it allows us to focus on where we can make the greatest difference next.
We're in it for the long run.
From Day 1 we’ve been determined to see well past the next quarter and build a sustainable business for our people, our partners and everyone around us. We help our clients do the same.
We believe in sustainable and inclusive economic growth that values our planet and preserves it, for present and future generations.
It takes a village to raise a business that can deliver Quality at Scale
Innovation, Design, Interaction
400+ líderes em inovação, designers, criativos, marketers e gerentes de mudança
300+ analistas e engenheiros
2.500+ advisors, managers and partners
200+ especialistas em segurança cibernética
Customer Platforms
60+ analistas e desenvolvedores
Transformation 4.0
100+ especialistas em indústria e tecnologia
The Visual Agency
20+ Information Designers