Utilizamos tecnologias exponenciais para fornecer soluções digitais de ponta a ponta, suportando a transformação orientada a dados e alavancando a capacidade de resposta de nossos clientes às mudanças do ambiente de negócios.
Somos uma comunidade de nível internacional com mais de 220 profissionais extremamente talentosos e interdisciplinares:
- Dados
Nossos Especialistas em dados desenvolvem soluções de análise de última geração, estruturam organizações data-driven, além de aprimorar recursos para o gerenciamento de dados. Ao construir uma das maiores comunidades de Cientistas de Dados profissionais da Europa – intrinsecamente conectada a Especialistas em Governança de Dados e Estrategistas de Dados – lidamos com desafios de negócios, extraindo o máximo de valor dos dados por meio de análises complexas.
- Nuvem
Orientamos nossos clientes na transição para a Nuvem, ajudando-os a obter o máximo de valor em grandes projetos de digital transformation. Nossos arquitetos e engenheiros oferecem gestão eficiente Multi-Cloud, aplicativos e arquiteturas de dados otimizados, além de abordagens eficazes de migração.
- Plataformas
Testamos, avaliamos e gerenciamos tecnologias inovadoras, como Virtualização de Rede, 5G, Internet das Coisas (IoT), Blockchain, Realidade Aumentada/Realidade Virtual (AR/VR) e outras tecnologias emergentes. Nossos arquitetos de TI, Engenheiros de Rede, Especialistas em Blockchain e AR/VR ajudam a definir estratégia e design, e a implementar tais soluções a fim de aumentar a base digital da empresa.
- Soluções
Crie e implemente soluções de software, Agile e DevOps, aproveitando as metodologias para acelerar e ajustar o resultado, adotando arquiteturas modernas em infraestrutura de nuvem (microservices) para criar plataformas escaláveis, resilientes e capazes de se desenvolverem com o tempo.
Melhore a eficiência e a qualidade dos processos de negócios, desenvolvendo bots de Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Nossa equipe inclui Desenvolvedores Full-Stack, Especialistas em RPA, Engenheiros de DevOps e Treinadores Agile.
projects successfully delivered on a yearly basis across 20+ Countries
Open collaborations with Clients (+10% brand new Clients over year)
professionally certified staff
Our Approach
- Led by cutting-edge innovation:
we partner with research centres and university labs to be at the forefront of technological innovation (e.g. Deep Learning and Cognitive Automation, Multi-Cloud orchestration, Network Virtualization, Edge Computing, Cloud Native Architecture, Microservices, Blockchain, AV/VR, etc.) in order to provide our Clients with sustainable and effective solutions that help achieve competitive advantage
- Leverage a multi-perspective approach:
we work in cross-functional teams combining innovation, analytics and cloud, providing a vendor agnostic approach to support our Clients across the entire pipeline from idea generation to deployment.
- Manage complexity with Agile and Lean methodologies:
our certified professionals guide Clients to incorporate digital transformation via lightweight sprints that provide quick wins with stepwise improvements.
- Trust in co-creation:
we work in partnership with our Clients to infuse the spirit of data-driven organizations and build Digital Ecosystems, helping them make their operations smarter and more efficient via analytics-driven decisions
- Champion information symmetry:
we strive to democratize information, removing barriers/silos within companies and between partners, using instruments such as Cloud Ecosystems, Smart and Agile development practices and DevOps/DataOps
- Bet on Talent:
we seek highly-talented professionals to join our multi-cultural and diverse workforce and promote an open, collaborative and rewarding work environment characterized by innovation and proactiveness.
Our Offering
- Data Strategy: designing and bringing up-to-scale complex, data-driven organizations
- Data Governance: defining and setting up organizational/operative models and data management practices
- Data Science: conceiving and deploying Business Intelligence and AI-powered solutions at-scale to support data-driven decision making through machine learning and cognitive technologies according to the DataOps/MLOps principles
- Strategy and Governance: creating the foundation of the multi-cloud strategy to adopt and exploit this innovative asset by returning tangible value for the organization; setting up frameworks and practices to monitor the benefits and optimize Cloud costs according to Client expectations
- Architecture and Optimization: designing and building scalable and future-fit business applications via microservices and cloud functions fed by accurate and real-time data pipelines; defining frameworks to continuously optimize the solution for performances, quality, security, reliability and cost control
- Migration: migrating applications and data platforms to the cloud through a tailored approach, i.e. composing lift&shift with replatforming design, effectively balancing risks, speed and costs, adopting an action plan to prepare the organization for the transition and to govern the migration towards a satisfactory and worthwhile achievement
- Strategy and Advisory: leading edge technology advisory and envisioning exercises through inspirational workshops and content induction; impact evaluation of innovative solutions through business case formulation; definition of roadmaps and migration plans
- Architecture and Engineering: high- and low-level design of Digital Platforms (IT, Network, Blockchain, AR/VR,…)
- Sourcing and Roll-Out Support: analyzing and scouting the market, managing RfI/RfP and tendering, technical project management of third-party activities and change management
- Software Architecture: designing software architecture at application level (software layers) and platform level (software components) to meet Client requirements
- Solution DevOps: developing and deploying highly-scalable full-stack solutions and replatforming legacy applications in a continuous integration and continuous testing approach
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA): analyzing business processes and automating them by developing and deploying RPA bots