As cyber security specialists, we are the right partner when it comes to combining technical perspectives with business risk, compliance and incident protection. We can draw on a range of in-house expertise that goes beyond technical security, combining regulatory knowledge and multidisciplinary skills to deliver comprehensive solutions.
Cyberspace represents a reality that overlaps with physical reality, and cybersecurity has become an essential component for any organization. Cybercrime will reach an estimated value of over 10 billion dollars by 2025 (source: Cybercrime Magazine). The impact will not only affect businesses, but also citizens. For this reason, European regulations such as NIS2, DORA and the Cybersecurity Resilience Act require companies to protect themselves not only from a technical perspective, but also in terms of compliance and risk governance.
Our integrated approach, from strategy to implementation, provides effective protection, monitoring and incident response and covers all aspects of cybersecurity, from technological to regulatory risks.
In our vision
In these times, cybersecurity is more important than ever, and at BIP we take an E2E (end-to-end) vision that considers not only technology, but also enterprise risk management and regulatory compliance. We don't just look at cybersecurity from a technology standpoint. We integrate cross-cutting skills, from STEM sciences to law and ethical hacking, to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary vision.
We're able to tackle any challenge in a complete and customised way, from large businesses to SMEs, thanks to the ability to contaminate skills and apply cybersecurity in the industrial world in which we have been operating for over 10 years.
24/7 Cyber Defense: Comprehensive Solutions for Risk Management and Infrastructure Protection"
We are on duty around the clock, manage the infrastructure and intervene immediately in the event of disruptions. In addition, we offer consulting services to assess the impact of cyber risks on business processes and provide tools to formally measure and manage threats.
Our expertise is cross-functional and covers the entire spectrum of customer needs: from the development and selection of technological solutions and the associated integration, to the protection of industrial infrastructures (OT) and the continuous monitoring of security infrastructures.
Cybersecurity is a continuous cycle of protection, detection, response, and recovery.
Chris Painter
Holistic Cybersecurity: Safeguarding Businesses with Strategic Protection and Training
Our approach to cyber security aims to protect customers not only from cyber attacks, but also from the economic and reputational damage they can cause. Unlike other companies that focus only on technology, we offer an approach that takes into account the constantly evolving business risks, regulations and responsibilities at European level.
Another special component of our approach is the Cyber Academy, a training programme that covers multiple levels of the company, from IT and OT professionals to top management, and provides simulated attack scenarios to prepare companies for an effective response.
We can also help you with
Whatever you resolve to do, you have to be true to it. It starts with your inner self: your culture, or, in other words, your behaviours, because how we do things ends up being who we are.