Make my company sustainable & effective

We empower companies with customized solutions. From optimizing processes to implementing advanced tools, we improve efficiency, compliance and decision-making. Our expertise ensures sound financial strategies that promote sustainable growth and resilience in a dynamic market.

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We are true solution finders, exploring innovative and customized solutions, thanks to a range of financial instruments that respond to the specific needs of the business. We take a boutique atelier approach: our solutions are never prefabricated, but tailor-made, combining value creation with financial management.

Our commitment is reflected in an end-to-end approach, from concept to realization and operational implementation. In finance, Bip represents a hybrid between the traditional role of finance as a notary and the role of a financial engineer who designs, builds and is there for companies to achieve financial sustainability, resilience and WACC improvement.

In our vision

Our vision is to become a long-term partner that not only helps the company to manage its financial operations, but also actively supports it in creating a sustainable and efficient economic system. Our goal is to optimize corporate finances from an operational management perspective, but also as a driver for transformation and innovation.

Our active finance model creates value and gives us the ability to guide the client through the challenges of contemporary financial management and ensure that strategic decisions have a real and lasting impact on the entire organization.

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Engineered Finance Solutions: From Strategy to Daily Operational Excellence

Our non-crafted, but rather engineering model is based on a structured and results-oriented methodology, not on craftsmanship, but on engineering. We do not limit ourselves to the initial design phase. On the contrary, we assist the client in all phases, from implementation to daily operational management, ensuring continuous support to optimize processes and improve performance.

I believe that through knowledge and discipline, financial peace is possible for all of us.

Dave Ramsey
Service Landscape Finance Min
Custom Financial Solutions: Seamlessly Integrating Strategy, Technology, and Execution

Our approach is based on customised development, where each solution is tailored to the unique needs of the business. We do not propose generic solutions but create market components that meet specific objectives. Through a strong integration of financial engineering and digital tools such as ERP, artificial intelligence and intelligent automation, we are able to provide an end-to-end journey, from strategy development to operational execution.

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Whatever you resolve to do, you have to be true to it. It starts with your inner self: your culture, or, in other words, your behaviours, because how we do things ends up being who we are.