Passionate your people
Organizational Evolution

As a young, growing company that combines multidisciplinary knowledge across all industries, we are characterized by our expertise. We offer agile, innovative, tailor-made solutions for changing contexts and a fresh, skilled team that drives effective organizational transformation.

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A solid expertise built through many years of collaboration makes Bip the perfect partner to support companies in the process of organizational development. We offer tailor-made solutions with a modular approach and work on building flexible and agile organizational models to quickly meet market changes and future challenges.

We are forerunners and pioneers in the application of state-of-the-art organizational models such as Agile, Knowledge Management and Collaboration. 

Our multidisciplinary team combines leadership experience with innovative and up-to-date skills. We not only design the future, we live it ourselves by offering companies personalized and flexible organizational models, ready to adapt solutions for the most dynamic contexts.

In our vision

Our vision of organizational development is based on a dynamic and adaptable organizational concept, where we implement state-of-the-art organizational models based on a solid framework of benchmarks and best practices.

We see the organization of the future as an open ecosystem based on collaboration and knowledge sharing, where people can reach their full potential. We believe in the centrality of people and the critical role they play in driving effective cultural change.

Our goal is to help companies turn into resilient organizations and support them in measuring and optimizing their organizational performance through innovative methods such as data-driven approaches, OKRs and KPIs.

Get in touch
Co-Designing Agile Structures: Adapting Organizations to Evolving Market Needs

We work with companies to analyze their core processes and value chain and define scenarios to effectively address market challenges. As part of a co-design process, we build agile structures that can evolve over time and adapt to changing business requirements. This collaborative and change-oriented approach enables us to develop organizational models that guarantee a flexible and rapid response.

Embrace the digital and agile awakeness and unlock your potential for sustainable growth 
and excellence.

John F. Kennedy
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Tailored Organizational Development: Aligning Structures with Strategy and Growth

Bip's approach to organizational development is based on a tailor-made methodology that considers the concrete and pragmatic needs of the client. Each company has its own context, its own strategy and its own value chain. Based on this, we work with the client to design the most suitable organizational structure that is aligned with the company's strategic and operational objectives.

We also support key areas such as strategic workforce planning to ensure that the company has the right people in the right places at the right time. In addition, we provide Talent Management, Succession Planning and Change Management services to help both the organization and employees transform and foster a culture based on collaboration and continuous growth.

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Whatever you resolve to do, you have to be true to it. It starts with your inner self: your culture, or, in other words, your behaviours, because how we do things ends up being who we are.