White paper
Culture as Booster
Culture as Booster

Embark on a journey through the evolution of BIP’s culture and values, beginning in the pivotal year of 2020. Faced with the challenges of a changing world, including the pandemic landscape and demands from financial investors and market competition, BIP took decisive steps towards growth, internationalization, and digital transformation. Diving into the heart of this transformation, the ONE BIP project emerged in 2022 as a beacon of introspection. Through a collaborative effort across the diverse countries within our company, we delved into the essence of our corporate identity. The result? A set of four core values that define our ethos: Together We Go Further We Dare to Think and Act Differently We Create Long-Lasting Value We Are Creators of Our Own Future These values are not just words on paper; they are the driving force behind our actions, the compass guiding our decisions, and the foundation of our success. They reflect a culture where diversity is celebrated, innovation is encouraged, and progress is nurtured. Central to our ethos is our Purpose statement, ‘Pursuing Change, Nurturing Progress.’ It encapsulates our commitment to not only achieving our goals but also making a meaningful impact on society as a whole. This purpose is not just a statement; it is a call to action, a rallying cry for our team to continuously push boundaries and create positive change. Join us on this journey of discovery as we unveil the story of how our values and Purpose shape the very fabric of BIP. Explore the insight and reflections that offer a glimpse into our collective vision for a future where innovation thrives, diversity flourishes, and progress knows no bounds.

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