White paper
Hyper Smart Society
Hyper Smart Society
The future is something we can’t predict.

The future is something we cannot predict. It is something we can shape. What is certain is that this process of metamorphosis is already underway, and we are already, consciously or not, invested in it in many dimensions of our lives. The way we live, the way we work, the way we purchase products or use services is advancing towards new horizons. The human species is moving, albeit at different speeds, towards a new concept of society, just as it did with societies dedicated to hunting, agriculture, industrialization, and information. Today, the direction points towards a concept called the Hyper Smart Society. In this perspective, technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and the combination of data and strategic choices will play a significant role, as they will be among the enabling elements of a fluid, accessible, shareable, interactive, and ever-evolving society. This new vision is articulated along six interconnected dimensions: Smart Economy; Smart People; Smart Living; Smart Environment; Smart Mobility; Smart Governance. Opposing the winds of change is unnecessary: what is appropriate instead is to prepare to embrace changes that, though not always visible, are essential conditions of becoming, where change is not a direction but a continuous process.

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