A positive ROI driven digital strategy
A Positive Roi Driven Digital Strategy


No one pays to read the news anymore; journalism needs more paying readers, and we all need good journalism​

In this scenario Gedi needs to dramatically increase its digital subscriptions to survive.

Service & Capabilities

Media, Entertainment & Sport


Accelerate digital acquisition on keeping positive ROI and adapting strategy during the year to maximize revenue on H1 and volume on H2​



We operate across all digital channels (search, social, display, native adv, affiliate, owned media), with a mix of brand and performance communication with one challenging objective: acquire and engage new paying customers optimizing fiscal year revenue.​

It has been possible thanks to a ROAS model who regularly measure the effectiveness of digital channels with the monthly revenue of single promo offered and the related survival rate; it impacts directly the GOM esteem and implies continues and quickly action to optimize the delivery.


Results Achieved:

This service has made us a strategical partner not only for digital campaign management but also can recommend data-driven strategy influencing business decision on promo plan and on tactical actions to reach the two main business objectives during the year: ​

  • Maximize revenue selling long term and/or higher value promo on profitable subscribers​
  • Maximize volume to carry on the CB by selecting appropriate promo flash



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