Industry 4.0 transformation
Industry 4.0 Transformation


Manufacturing organization with 5 productive plants in Italy and 3 plants in Europe, each of them with about 100 machinery.

The company’s processes include the transformation of the plastic and the realization of mechanical parts both in a make to stock and configure to order business.

The final goal of the management is being able of:

- Monitoring the “real” product cost

- Guaranteeing the complete tracking along the whole productive process

- Realtime controlling of product quality

- Realizing a control tower acting real time in a multi-plant context.

Service & Capabilities

Industrial Manufacturing

Decisions and actions

To achieve the objectives, the company has decided to question its approach to production management by designing a path that takes full advantage of the possibilities offered by the 4.0 paradigm both from a viewpoint of enabling technologies, application architecture and financial leverage.

To do this, a phased evolutionary roadmap was developed with the requirements to maximize the tax benefit that included the definition of an application architecture integrated from design to outbound logistics, an operational model that considers the supply ecosystem by building a networked company, the selection and implementation of application and technological solutions.


Results Achieved:

The company now is able to:

- Leverage real time information to take business decision

- Have a seamless process from product design to warehouse managing a number of different “variants” and lowering stock level

- Prevent quality issues in production leveraging on real time analytics.

Furthermore they have defined an “Industrial IoT footprint” and partially finance the projects with benefits gained from Industry 4.0 facilitations.

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