Middle East Public Transportation Authority
Middle East Public Transportation Authority   Case Study Mobility

Real-time traffic simulation model at metropolitan scale and in strategic corridors


Large traffic dataset and a precise transport graph needed to be updated in line with the urban evolution of Doha


Development of macroscopic simulation model for analysis and predictions for microscopic level, suitable to integration 



The approach involved ad in-depth analysis of the input data to ensure accurate information for the traffic simulation model. Generation of a realistic simulations aligned with survey data and technical-functional specifics of the road network has been the main goal. Through advanced processes and dedicated simulation software, the resulting model is able to represent and predict traffic flows at both macroscopic and microscopic levels, improving the reliability of analyses and forecasts. 


Results Achieved:

The developed model processes real-time data from traffic sensors, allowing for dynamic and reliable simulations of the entire network. It is able to represent both the macroscopic flow, analyzing the interaction of the vehicular stream, and the individual behavior of vehicles at a microscopic level. This approach improves the accuracy of forecasts and the effectiveness of traffic management strategies, supporting decisions based on real and up-to-date data. 

Project Details

Team Involved:
Senior Transport Modelers Junior Transport Modelers
1/7 phases
Network checks
Evaluation of the road network so that it fullfils the current state.
2/7 phases
Data analysis
Analysis and evaluation of the quality of the data coming from the detectors in reference to defined KPIs.
3/7 phases
Assignment configurations
Dynamic assignment on 24 time slots divided into AM and PM.
4/7 phases
Calibration of 6-day types
Calibration of the model on 6 day type so that the traffic simulation is not affected by errors.
5/7 phases
Validation of 6-day types
Validation of the simulation model.
6/7 phases
Construction and calibration of 10 micro subnetworks
Construction of the micro networks and calibration and validation of the simulation model for 10 subnetworks representative of the territory.
7/7 phases
Model Report
Drafting of the final document with the results and processes followed.
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