Oncology Day Hospital: focus on the patient
Oncology Day Hospital  Focus on the Patient Min


The Oncology Day Hospital (DH) poses a major organisational challenge for the hospital.

The demand for services is constantly growing: many haemato-oncological pathologies are becoming chronic, the population is ageing, and lifestyles and environmental factors are driving up the rate of illness. Patients' expectations are increasing, as is organisational complexity in the face of constant and often already insufficient resources.

Service & Capabilities

Life science

Decisions and actions

We involved 100 DHs, over 10,000 patients and 500 operators throughout Italy in redesigning the patient pathway within the Day Hospital and identifying optimisation levers with the same amount of resources available.

We developed organisational and digital solutions to support the department's operations so as to maximise efficiency, increase the amount of data available, and speed up periodic reviews and optimisation of the processes for delivering care.


Results Achieved:

We built and implemented solutions and measured the benefits they generated, such as an average reduction of over 45% in the time patients spent in hospital, a 25% increase in the hospital's capacity for providing care, and potential savings of €28 million per year.

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