Sustainability Strengthening Programme
Sustainability Strengthening Programme Min


One of the the world’s largest provider of energy transformation products, services and demand response at the home, city, and industrial level.


Defining a model and underlying processes for the development of a Sustainability Strengthening Program, with the aim of innovating the client’s portfolio according to the principles of Circular Economy and Social Value.


Results Achieved:

The project yielded a Sustainability and Circular Economy Framework including:

- Programme plan

- Results measurement models

- Identification of five pilot projects

- Guidelines for the monitoring, reporting and communication of Sustainability and Circular Economy projects

- The development of 50+ sustainability ideas.

BIP also participated in our client’s ‘Global Circular Economy School’. The initiative, which also involved the participation of renowned universities, allowed junior client staff members to exchange views with the Group’s middle management on Circular Economy topics, including the rethinking of business models in this context and the proposal of circular initiatives.

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